Wednesday, July 14, 2010

living the band, building the band

hi there people.
in case you're wondering, the answer is: "yes, this is our new website".
in case you're still wondering, the answer is: "no, you won't find any music, pics or video of the band here".
this, as you can easily see, it's just a blog, nothing more than that. why did i choose this form instead of making a proper site?
mainly for two reasons. the first one is that, if you are looking for medias from the band, you have proper sites like myspace (click here) or youtube (click here) or even facebook (click here).
the second one is that we decided to share our whole band life with you, honestly, deeply and totally. why? because we feel that myspace, facebook or whatever site is not enough. depsite their purposes, they are just another filter between the band and the people. however, today more than ever, we feel the needing of sharing our band life with you. the thing is that music is not enough anymore and there's so much work, so much dedication and also so much sorrow just to put a song together that we think you deserve to share it all with us. it's a big part of the band, maybe the biggest one, and we don't want it to get wasted as we don't want you to miss it.
that's why (if i properly set this blog up) everyone will be free to comment our posts, to give us a feedback and to interact with us. we will let you publish any kind of thing except spam or not-related-to-the-band stuff. anything else is welcomed and hoped for.

so this is it. don't expect for correct english because i am not english. don't expect to get always politically correct posts because it wouldn't be honest.
this is just me, this is just us. the band with no filters.
welcome to living the band.



  1. Ciao regaz,bella idea quella del blog,effettivamente a che pro un sito quando c'è myspace e FB?spero serva a darvi un po' di quella notorietà che vi serve e che meritate,quindi non mollate!!
    PS:dovevo scrivere in inglese?

  2. non necessariamente! va bene anche in italiano. grazie delle belle parole. spargi la voce! =)
