Monday, December 20, 2010

here comes the sun

it has been a tough period for the band. many things concurred to make it one of the hardest time ever for ATS. i already wrote about this.
well, finally the black clouds are slowly spreading and the sun is approaching our portion of sky. however, it usually happens that crisis brings revolution with it and somehow that's what happened also this time.
you know being in a band is not simply a matter of writing music, planning tours, playing shows. at least it is not for ATS. the band and, generally speaking, music is the way we, as individuals, have been exploring, discovering, talking, living ourselves together. it's a journey we started many years ago. unfortunately there's no defined path, no routes to follow and it's easy to get lost. especially when you are the only one who can define the coordinates.
if "red square" was our awkwardly-drawn debut, "shifting" was exactly the way we wanted it to be. that's quite a result, in my opinion, but what to do now? it's like if wile e. coyote caught beep-beep... the great giant has been defeated, well what to do now, david?
in other words, with "shifting" we depicted our own idea of so-called post-core. no matter how bad, annoying, stupid could the album sound to you, we consider it a reached target. indeed it's not a matter of liking it, we're not on the "receiving side" of the musical flow. we're exactly at the opposite point, at the source of music, where we have to find inspiration, motivation, strength.
so, considering all these things, where to go now?

well, we have some ideas and they all implies some sort of (major) changing.
we have four new songs almost ready for a first demo recording, showing us the ways we wanna run this time. all i can say is that dynamics, singing and structures underwent some strong changings. that is songs are way shorter and, in our opinion, more focused.
are you ready for this? are we ready for this?

moreover, we're booking shows again. in 2011 we'll be playing accross italy and europe as wide as we can. if you wanna see us playing in your town, just drop us a line.

the new year is approaching, this is our last post for 2010.
spend these last days at their best.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be straight: my name is Italo, I'm 20 years old and I live in Brazil. I don't know how I found you guys - and beats me how I got into this blog -, but I just want to say that "Shifting" was one of the most impressive full-lenghs I've heard in times. It contains a sort of music that when you're asked what you're doing you say: "Ah, man, I'm listening to music. It's At the Soundawn." It's impossible to listen to you guys and do anything else. There are too many details, great melodies. You've gotta have a talented ear to catch the sound - something rare in today's musical scene of any kind.

    We're not doing psychoanalysis, but I can tell some things about being harsh in life. Maybe it is something futile, but it's all about "doing what you want to do and be critized by your main qualities". I was studying Law in College and just quit it to study Philosophy. Now I earn less money, less status and these sort of stupid things. But guess what? I ain't turning back. I know I'm doing just what I want and I wouldn't change a thing about it. Otherwise that wouldn't be me and my life wouldn't be worth living. And that's just what I say to you, man: you're one of the best fucking bands ever created by human kind. If someone come to you saying that your music is noise or unpalatable, I can say that the problem is not yours (musically speaking). At the Soundawn for me has one meaning: "rise musical standarts high" and that's the kind of self-overcoming we all need.

    All the best for you. Keep on bringing me a reason to say: "yes, there's still quality in all of us."

    I just can't wait to hear your new stuff. And it's a shame I can't see you guys live - given the distance between us.

    That's all by now.
